强大而灵活的软件卸载利器:Uninstall Tool现已更新至v3.5.0.5508 正式版,绿色特别版现已更进!UT拥有最强监视卸载软件 Total Uninstall 的强大功能及舒适界面,相比而言体积更小,实用强大的卸载工具!
Uninstall Tool是款功能强大的软件卸载工具。它比Windows自带的”添加/删除程序”功能快3倍! 它可移除系统自带程序功能所不能删除的程序,使用强制删除可卸载注册表相关项,支持显示隐藏的安装程序,按名称过滤已安装程序列表,强行卸载程序,浏览注册表项目,保存安装程序列表,快速小巧,操作简便。
* New build 5508: fixed trial version dialog, minor improvements for Windows Tasks startup programs.
2018.08.27 v3.5 Build 5507
* New build 5507 with crash fix (happened on 32-bit version when clicking on “Don’t show this again” checkbox in the popup window with recent programs)
2016.08.26 v3.5 Build 5506
* NEW Uninstall Windows Store Apps (also in batch uninstall) on Windows 8 and later. Read more
* NEW Startup manager now displays tasks that automatically start on user logon. You can also add a new scheduled task with Uninstall Tool
* NEW Install Tracker now monitors file/folder rename operations to provide even more accurate and fundamental tracing
* NEW Launch Windows Task scheduler from Tools->System Tools menu
* IMPROVED Better user interface experience with HiDPI display modes (e.g. 150% or 200% on modern 4k, 5k displays)
* IMPROVED Uninstall Wizard: detection and force termination of running processes, displaying of their PIDs
* IMPROVED Cached program data is now smaller and is loaded faster
* IMPROVED 32-bit apps are now marked with “32-bit” mark when running on 64-bit Windows (may be turned off)
IMPROVED Number of fixes and improvements in Uninstall Wizard